Vorheriger Witz

Pointscoring For Men

Simple Duties:

You go out to buy her flowers. +5

But return with a case of beer. -5

You check out a suspicious noise at night. +5

You check out a suspicious noise at night and it's nothing. 0

You check out a suspicious noise at night and it's something. +10

You pummel it with a cricket bat. +20

It's her cat. -50

Social Engagements:

You stay by her side the entire party. +5

You stay by her side for 10 minutes, then leave to chat about VWs with a drinking buddy. -5

Named Stephanie. -10

Stephanie is a goddess. -15

Stephanie has large breasts and a cherry 1967 Karmann Ghia with a Berg motor. -20

Saturday Afternoons:

You visit her parents. +5

You visit her parents and actually make conversation. +10

You visit her parents and stare vacantly at the television. -10

And the television is off. -15

You spend the afternoon watching the V8 touring cars on TV in your underwear. -5

And it's not really your underwear. -10

Her Birthday:

You take her out to dinner. +5

You take her out to dinner and it's not at your local Leagues Club. +10

OK then, it is your local Leagues Club. -5

And it's All-You-Can-Eat night. -10

It's a Leagues Club, it's All-You-Can-Eat night, and you bump into ten other blokes from Club Veedub out on the turps. -15

You give her a gift. +5

You give her a gift and it's a new set of metric spanners and socket kit. -10

You give her a gift and it's not anything to do with your Volkswagen. +10

You give her a gift and it's chocolate. +20

You give her a gift that you'll be paying off for months. +30

You wait until the very last minute, then buy her a gift on the way home that day. -10

From the only shop still open, the local 7-11. -20

With her credit card. -50

And it's something useful for your VW. -100


You offer to wash her Hyundai. +5

You offer to pull out her engine and replace it with something decent. -10

You don't laugh when her Hyundai breaks. +10

You offer to pick her up at the bus station. +20

You forget to pick her up at the bus station. -25

Which is in Redfern. -35

And the pouring rain dissolves her leg cast. -50

A Night Out, Just The Two Of You:

You go to the latest Schwarzenegger movie. -5

You go to the latest Kevin Costner film. +5

You go to see a live comedian. +5

He's lewd, crude and sexist. -10

You laugh at his jokes. -20

You laugh until your sides ache. -30

She's not laughing at all. -40

Which makes you laugh harder. -50


You take her for a long romantic drive +5

To a junkyard swapmeet in Oberon -5

You lose the directions on the trip. -10

You lose the directions and end up getting lost. -15

You end up getting lost somewhere in the back streets of Cabramatta. -20

Where your VW breaks down. -50

The local gangs arrive and she finds out you lied about having a black belt in karate. -100


You go for three sentences without mentioning your VW, tools or even cars in general. +5

When she wants to talk, you listen, displaying a concerned expression. +20

When she wants to talk, you listen, for over 30 minutes. +25

You listen for more than 30 minutes, without looking at the television. +30

Because you've fallen asleep. -100

A Night Out With Your Mates:

You have a few beers. -5

For every beer after three: -5 for each.

And miss her curfew by an hour. -10

You get home at 4:00am. -20

Your mates drop you home at 4:00am then have a burnout competition on the street in front of her bedroom window as they leave. -30

You get dropped home at 4:00am smelling of stale booze, cigarettes and vomit. -40

And not wearing any pants. -50

Is that perfume? -200

Nächster Witz

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